Principal's Message
Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back to the new school year for 2025!
We would also like to extend our warmest welcome to our new students and staff who have just joined our Yuhua Primary Family.
This year is especially exciting for all of us as we are celebrating our 95th School Anniversary! It will be even more meaningful and memorable for me as I am an alumnus of Yuhua Primary, including my elder sister who also studied in Yuqun Primary, now merged with Yuhua since 2002. Together with our Yuhua Family of Yuhualites, staff and stakeholders, we are truly looking forward to the purposeful activities leading up to, and culminating with our actual day celebrations in late April this year.
Join us on our school’s Facebook or Instagram page and be part of our celebrations.
Over here at Yuhua, we continue to stay passionate about growing the hearts and minds of our students. Developing them as they grow in wisdom and stature as we imbue in them the joy of and love for learning, and guiding them as they make a positive difference regardless of their youth as we nurture good character and values in them to serve as their compass in life.
Together with our dedicated staff and unwavering support from our stakeholders, we will forge ahead with our school’s mission, “Growing our Hearts and Minds”. At the same time, stay committed to our course in nurturing our students to care, share and contribute, to encourage them to learn, think and innovate, anchored in the strong values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care, and Harmony.
Undergirding these ideals will be our student ‘ACHIEVE’ outcomes that have been derived from the Student ‘ACHIEVE’ Framework (please see below), unique to Yuhua Primary School. The framework stemmed from the collective efforts of our staff, students, the SAC and the PSG. These envisioned shared goals encapsulate what we hope every Yuhualite can achieve during their time with us as they strive across learning challenges and shine at their personal brightest through their talents and strengths.
With this framework, the school continually aligns, relooks into and refines our total curriculum plans and key learning programmes so as to help us actualise the shared belief that ‘Every Yuhualite Can ACHIEVE’.

Using the metaphor of a garden (school) and gardener (parents and guardians, staff and stakeholders), we look forward to your continual support as we jointly help our seedlings (children) bloom, flourish and thrive in a safe and conducive learning environment in school and at home. Please allow me to share with you the story of the bamboo plant. Even with daily watering and fertilising the plant in the ground where it has been planted, it does not break through the ground for five years. For five long years, the gardener might not see any signs of growth from the ground level. But after five years, once the bamboo plant breaks through the ground, it can grow at a staggering speed of about 120 centimetres every day, reaching about 27 metres in just 5 weeks! And the bamboo is such a useful plant as it can be eaten, made into fibre for clothing, planted to reduce soil erosion, used as a replacement for wood, just to name a few of its uses.
On a similar note, our children need to be given time and space to develop, grow, blossom and eventually flourish when they are ready. As their educators, parents and guardians, let us continually partner one another to provide them with this conducive home-school environment, while role-modelling exemplary behaviour, thoughts and actions to support and encourage them in the growth of their hearts and minds.
As members of our collective “Yuhua Village” and family, we thank you for your unwavering support and in partnering us to grow our Yuhualites holistically with the common goal to see them internalise life-long learning, and be well-poised to flourish in life, looking beyond self, and actively contributing to their home, school and community from young.
We wish you and family well.
Your Partner-in-Education,
Mrs Ruth Tai
Yuhua Primary School